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comment by rezzeJ
rezzeJ  ·  2572 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: March 29, 2017

    The skiing here in Lake Tahoe has been rather marvelous.

I went Snowboarding in Lake Tahoe for a week or two with my school when I was around 15. Such an awesome place.

I remember on one day I went off-piste to go between the trees and when I came out my entire group had disappeared. This just so happened to be where the trail split off in two opposite directions. What's more, one way went back to our Californian resort and the second way to a different, Nevada based one. I had no idea where to go. After walking around a bit, I ended up choosing to go left and luckily I was correct.

When I arrived at the bottom the instructor was obviously relieved. Someone said to him: "would you have got sacked if he didn't come back?" He didn't know that 'getting sacked' is a synonym for getting fired in the UK and responded: "What's that? Like getting kicked in the balls?"

Good times.