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comment by bhrgunatha
bhrgunatha  ·  2626 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: 214th Weekly "Share Some Music You've Been Into Lately" Thread

This week's music is brought to you by the letters Hate and Vitriol.

Finally took the time to track down the self financed Kinshi by Theatre of Hate. It's simultaneously mind-blowing and totally appropriate that they're still touring...

1. Black Irony

2. Facade

3. Day Of The Dog

4. Pleasured

5. Eyeless In Gaza

6. Kit Kat Club

7. Maintenance Man

8. Mr Mendacity

9. Triumph

10. Slave

Can't listen to that without their earlier work too. I'm not sure who remasters an album - Westworld - and instead turns it into a best of ... album but it's the best recording I could find on youtube.




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