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comment by someguyfromcanada

I would try it but doubt I would like it. Maybe behind a locked door in the privacy of my own home. I do not even like 3D movies or wearing headphones in public.

I am no Steve Mann.

That guy has been dedicated to living his life through wearable computing for decades. I used to see him walking around campus and people went out of their way to get out of his way.

kleinbl00  ·  2632 days ago  ·  link  ·  

The wearables dorks have been the Untouchables since they began. That smartwatches have had any penetration at all demonstrates that at least some of us want the utility... but none of us want the stigma.

There is no VR without stigma, at least as it's being sold these days. This is why I think Microsoft's Hololens will end up winning, even though it's the dorkiest thing imaginable:

"yes, you look like an utter dork, but the VR is a means to an end, not the end itself. Besides, everyone else looks as dorky as you."