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comment by kleinbl00

If one sits and watches Adult Swim non-stop, one sees a preponderance of unfunny material. They have their moments - but when ATHF and Metalocalypse are your gold standards, the silvers, bronzes and tins suffer proportionally.

elizabeth  ·  2684 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I've only watched Rick and Morty and the Boondocks from AS and found them both pretty good. I guess I had higher expectations from them. It's not only that I didn't find it funny, I didn't even understand what the joke was.

I guess the whole show's the joke. HA.

kleinbl00  ·  2684 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Rick and Morty is Dan Harmon slummin' it while Boondocks was an adaptation of a long-running (and brilliant) comic strip. They're far more about shit like Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law.

ArtemusBlank  ·  2684 days ago  ·  link  ·  

For some odd reason, Adult Swim really like anti-comedy and continues to go with it after so many years. On one hand, it's not really funny but on the other hand, it's give different types of people to present their style of humor over the conventional comedy sitcom.