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comment by someguyfromcanada
someguyfromcanada  ·  2714 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The two images in this post were impossible to take before 2002AD

Amazing pics!

What is acknowledged as the first cell phone picture of all time was of the newborn daughter of 2 tech entrepreneurs in Santa Cruz, California. 1997.

In 1997, Philippe Kahn was stuck in a maternity ward with nothing to do. The software entrepreneur had been shooed away by his wife while she gave birth to their daughter, Sophie. So Kahn, who had been tinkering with technologies that share images instantly, jerry-built a device that could send a real time photo of his newborn to friends and family.

Like any invention, the setup was crude: a digital camera connected to his flip-top cell phone, synched by a few lines of code he’d written on his laptop in the hospital. But the effect has transformed the world: Kahn’s device captured his daughter’s first moments and transmitted them instantly to more than 2,000 people. Here is picture of the set-up.

Kahn soon refined his ad hoc prototype, and in 2000 Sharp used his technology to release the first commercially available integrated camera phone.


I also really like this 1973 photo of Motorola engineer Martin Cooper making the first public hand-held cellular phone call.... to Joel S. Engel, the head of the cellular program at AT&T. He said: "Joel, I'm calling you from a cellular phone, a real cellular phone, a handheld, portable, real cellular phone."