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comment by veen
veen  ·  2727 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Lone Man Building a Cathedral By Hand

I don't think you should watch it. My best guess as to why Julian found it so inspiring is that that dedication is an achievable goal. On the surface, the only limit Andrew has is himself - if only he put more work and hours and effort into the drumming, he'd achieve his dreams.

Which is also why reality is so deflating - Corey and his buddies know that just working hard isn't what will get you there. For starters, you need luck, creativity, connections. Corey knows that. Julian doesn't know that or doesn't want to know that. I think he wants to believe the fairy tale that those things don't matter if you just have enough ambition and dedication. So I can totally see why Corey would find it a silly characterization of professional musicians while Julian sees it as a great inspiration.

Don't watch it. JK Simmons is good but if you want to watch a good music-related film I liked Inside Llewyn Davis better.

cgod  ·  2727 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I probably watch a ten movies and TV shows a year if you don't include children's programming so I don't think I'm in danger of getting Whiplashed.