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comment by jadedog
jadedog  ·  2852 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Story of the Black Band-Aid

    Perhaps a better way to think about it, is if currently all band-aids were dark, or if the clear ones had a dark gauze patch. In that case, it would be understandable for 'white' people to want a lighter option rather than sport something that looked like a large mole or birthmark at a distance.

Would you?

Let's say that the clear band-aids had a brown patch because they said that it covered the color of blood that got on it. That's actually something I've wanted. I've used the clear band-aids before but the white gauze would show the blood on them so I wanted the gauze patch a little darker.

If there was a darker gauze patch, would you appeal to the company requesting a lighter patch to match your skin?

tbh, there are a lot of ways that people are discriminated against in big and small ways every day. The things I'd focus on are the things that took people's dignity. I'm not seeing this as one of those things.