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comment by arguewithatree

lmfao again what the hell is genetic respect

and why would you come in here 3 days after Orlando and try and appeal to "decency" when this exact logic is the kind of shit that gets us killed? also thanks for calling me hysterical that's real fuckin neato

hootsbox  ·  2847 days ago  ·  link  ·  

This has NOTHING to do with a Muslim Extremist terrorist. People who hold the view I commented on would have NOTHING to do with killing people, straight, gay or otherwise. It is misleading for you to attempt to equate it as a similar pattern of behavior. Methinks you are the "extremist" here. Decency never killed anyone. So, you equate someone who holds more to the "traditional values" as people who kill, hate, and discriminate? That in itself is a very "biased" and myopic stance. The people who hold to traditional values don't go into nightclubs, straight, gay or otherwise, and start killing people. Again, you have your right to speak (freedom of speech), but remember, that right was ingrained into our codified laws by a bunch of people who held to "traditional values".

As far as taking a month off, I work full time and do a lot of other things, so my time on "social media so to speak" is very limited to times when I can. What has that got to do with anything anyway?

arguewithatree  ·  2846 days ago  ·  link  ·  

yikes ok can you not come back onto hubski whenever there's a tragedy and pick more fights with me? cuz all you do is disappear for a month until the next one and sling shit rather than explain your position.

i've had enough of you enjoy your block <3