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comment by kingmudsy

Oh, without a doubt you're correct. I wouldn't be trying to dissuade an anti-vaxxer by calling them ignorant (I probably wouldn't be trying to convince anyone of anything, I hate arguing over the internet), I just wasn't paying attention to my words. I was trying to point out that when people lack familiarity with a subject, they're susceptible to all sorts of misunderstandings. Sometimes people care about these misunderstanding, and its usually when they're socially damaging or frustrating in some way. It seems pretty self-evident, but I hear too many people saying, "I don't understand how anyone could believe that!" and I wanted to jot down a few thoughts.

Sorry if my post came across as condescending, I should really be watching my verbiage!

kleinbl00  ·  2986 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Naah, dude, you stepped in one of my own personal Waterloos. I've long been a "skeptic" (an atheist before it was cool!). My mom's a Ph.D microbiologist. My wife's undergrad degree is in math, and her dad is a Ph.D biochemist.

But she's a naturopathic doctor and a midwife, so all these people whose views are 100% aligned with ours have decided that her entire profession and client base should be burned as heretics.

It gets tiring.

kingmudsy  ·  2983 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Damn, I can't imagine. Hopefully that doesn't come up over thanksgiving dinner too often.

kleinbl00  ·  2983 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Oh on the family side things are 100%. My wife is a firm believer in science. So are most naturopaths. The AANP recently authored a position paper in favor of vaccines.

But there are outliers. Meanwhile, we get it from both sides.