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comment by RansomIblis

I genuinely feel like the tide is turning, that people are less and less afraid of being labeled anti-semitic for saying that what Israel is doing is wrong. My father, a staunch conservative, says that it goes against God's wishes to criticise what Israel is doing. Now, he's on the verge of retirement, and I think that this attitude jives with what other Christians his age believe, but those of us who are younger don't necessarily hold to that party line any longer.

I don't know what to do either, and I'm frustrated about it. So I teach my students about the conflict, and equate what Israel is doing now with what Germany did during WWII. We look at Pappe's book and compare that with a section of Genocide: A Comprehensive Introduction. I then let the students draw their own conclusions, and they often come to the same conclusion that I have.

There's hope. WIthin Israel and Palestine, I don't know, but certainly in the rest of the world the shadow of the Holocaust isn't so long that it's able to obscure what's happening in Palestine for much longer.