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comment by ecib
ecib  ·  3213 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Coffee Extraction And How To Taste It

    Started doing it on a little scale so I can get the water to bean ratio down more perfectly and I gotta say, it has been an incredible difference.

I've kind of prided myself on not being too fussy when it comes to brewing, but after doing it for X amount of time, I've been unable to avoid the conclusion that weighing and measuring your inputs really does wonders for a consistent good cup.

Also, I'm on that mailing list too :)

Merlin  ·  3213 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Consistency is exactly why I started doing it. I like to be able to know how to reproduce something if it turns out really well. Plus, the scale was pretty cheap so it wasn't out of my way at all.