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comment by thundara
thundara  ·  3331 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: A word is worth a thousand vectors - Word2Vec, and why you should care

Well, they do warn in the end that it requires a lot of words in the case of specialized topics. It might not perform too well on hubski-specific tags (i.e. linking thehumancondition to writing and philosophy or vaguequestionsbynowaypablo to askhubski).

How does the current related tags method work? Association of tags being used together?

Dendrophobe  ·  3331 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Why bother with tags at all? Just throw the entire posts in, see what comes out.

Actually, that'd probably result in unusably large vectors and more data than Google could deal with.

It'd be cool though...

thundara  ·  3331 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Back in the day I suggested fetching and scanning the content from links / trying to mine tags from them. It still stands (especially for self posts), but had forgotten about it until your reply

mk  ·  3331 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    How does the current related tags method work? Association of tags being used together?

Yes. Going back a ways, but not through all posts.