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comment by danjr
danjr  ·  3563 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Why the modern bathroom is a wasteful, unhealthy design

I'm glad there is more of a movement of using Grey Water in toilets, and I hope there will, in the future, be an all-in-one solution for systems like these. Currently, these systems tend to have a large up-front cost, which take a very long time to recover. I'd hope to see a toilet which has a pump and reservoir built in, which would connect to a grey water system. This requires a re-design of the entire plumbing system in a house, however.

On the topic of waste-compost, this is alive and well in any house that contains a septic system. The reservoir is contained underground, and functions exactly the same as a sewer system in regards to day-to-day use. I cannot see, however, human fertilizer taking off, without the same amount of processing done to purify water.

And, finally, the subject of wasting water. Without an increase of price of water, showers that are more functional and less work will prevail in general society. I see social stigma surrounding the sharing of bathwater, for example.