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comment by lil

I did go out and accidentally met a new person. I walked in the 20 F weather (somewhat colder than in Denver) for about half an hour and found a new cafe to write in. I'm working on my Shakespeare stories and had Julius Caesar open. The server asked me what I was reading/writing and we got to talking. She's a singer/ songwriterand has a bluegrass band.

So now I don't know what to say about the original statement. Yes, I had an in-person encounter - and then it led me back to the internet to look her up. But -- I liked her a lot!! And the hot chocolate was awesome.

I guess I can have great conversations both in and not in person. I'm lucky that way. Here's a short blog I wrote ages ago called "Should I leave the House?" on a similar topic.

I still prefer not to leave the house, but I have decided to walk for 40 minutes every day, so I guess I will. Rain or shine. Minus 20 or plus 20 (centigrade).