The House just passed a bill to make Washington District of Columbia the 51st US state.
So what should we name it? What would be the capitol?
It would no longer be a "District", it'd be a State. So "Washington DC State" doesn't work, and "Washington State" is taken.
I think "Columbia" is hazardous. Columbus was a dick, and naming anything else after him is probably not the Thing We Should Do in this day and age.
"Swampistan" or "Statey Mc Stateface" are obviously standout options that everyone can agree to... but probably won't get voted in by the fuddy duddies who make such decisions.
"North Virginia" or "East Virginia" are so stupid they will probably get a lot of votes. And West or South Maryland are dum too.
So what's your vote for the 51st state's name? Let's have some fun!