Looks like I'm at the end of a series of very bad decisions. My step dad was trying to take me to rehab today and I refused so he was going to take me to a homeless shelter. I jumped out of the car when I got the chance and walked to my real dad's house. He kinda hates me and I'm waiting to see what he's going to do. He says he's taking me to rehab but I don't see how that's going to happen. My mom isn't talking to me. I was on her cell plan and she turned my line off. I'm on wifi for a little longer. I want help. I was going to go to an outpatient program that would deal with my addiction and mental health issues but I kept getting thrown in the hospital for being drunk. No one trusts me to drive myself to outpatient so they were going to put me in an AA based rehab that was trying to dictate what medicine I can take for my schizoaffective disorder which is why I refused to go. Also other reasons. I don't know what's going to happen next but I don't think I'm going to be around for a while if I come back at all. I love you guys. I don't have any friends so you're kind of like the friends I wish I had in real life. I probably sound unreasonable for refusing help. I want help, I'm just not willing to give up my freedom for it when there are other options. No one trusts me to do those other things anymore and I can't blame them really. I wish I had one more chance because I know I could do it this time. Bye hubski. I'll let you know if anything changes.