I reconnected with an old friend from my summer camp days a few months ago because I had hoped that they had grown out of the habits that distanced me from them in the first place (being self-centered, lying straight to my face, etc). After several months of the same shit, I've decided I want to end the friendship. Specifically, they pussy-footed around my offers to fly them out during our academic breaks so we could hang out and catch up with totally valid excuses about finances and possible family trips. I found out via some sleuthing that they ditched me for someone else they wanted to reconnect with romantically. This is actually the second time they've done this in the period we've known each other.
It's hard on me because this is approximately 8 years of friendship in which they called me one of their best friends and being super tight and affectionate but obviously the way they are treating me is clearly indicative of how they don't value my time or opinion at all. I've already blocked them on all social media and we don't really interact otherwise because of distance. I left the option for them to text me open because I want them to know why this happened.
I think I'm mostly venting but I also feel like the wise folx of hubski have similar stories they can share to help me ease the hurt...