PREFACE: At least once a week, I'll be struck by a thought so basic, invasive, stupid or otherwise off-kilter that it'll bounce around in my head all day, maybe for a few days, like a catchy song or a joke I should have told during that conversation but I missed the opportunity and now it's too late to do anything but rehash the conversation in my mind but now with the joke spliced in like it should have been, replete with satisfying response from relevant audience members. You know what I'm talking about.
Anyhow, these thoughts: sometimes I get the feeling that they'll just leave me alone if I push them out into the open instead of quietly mulling over them during team meetings at work. It at one point struck me that this is what Twitter is for, so I tried it for a while, long enough to learn that it's really hard to sustain an active presence on Twitter when you have no followers and no impetus to attract followers. I've been told since then to give it another go, because Twitter is apparently important? Something about the Arab Spring and breaking news and getting a chance to insult your least favorite celebrity in a way they might actually take notice and feel a little worse about themselves for a while. But it's ruined for me- since my whack at it, Twitter will forever and always be only another high tech reminder of my own social inadequacy and low Clout score. High school 2.0.
But yeah, random thoughts. They still persist, sometimes long into the night when I should be asleep, resting up for the next Big Team Meeting. No. I'm kept awake: if my cat was a person, he would be Wilford Brimley. How am I supposed to comfortably pet my cat now knowing that?
These thoughts need to be shared, and in so sharing purged from my brain so I can focus on more important things, like rent and utilities. I suspect I'm not alone in this. So I think I'm going to try a weekly random thoughts thread, to give all applicable parties a chance to break the cycle. Feel free to share, affirm, belittle, interact or abstain as you see fit.
Without further ado, week one:
There should be a specific word for being milk-thirsty.
Oh god, that felt great.