So I'm sure there are a bunch of you here that can cook some great meals or are just general food porn connoisseurs.

Anyone want to show off any experiments or recipes they know?

Tonight I made a pizza somewhat inspired by a postcard from thenewgreen. Cracked an egg right on it before it went in the oven (alla Bismark is what the style is, I suppose). Worked out pretty well.


I made these fancy taco's this past Sunday. They were delicious.

1. Carne Asada -used marinade from this recipe

2. Tomato, cucumber, lime and jalapeƱo relish

3. Homemade guacamole

4. Cajito Mexican Cheese

5. Sour Cream mixed with Sriracha

6. Drizzled with fresh lime

7. Black beans

posted 3941 days ago