After glancing through the reddit thread it seems to be that this kind of thing is not uncommon. It blows my mind that this is legal.


This is actually kind of my area of expertise! Not to go too far into it, but I work in banking in the area that kind of deals with legislation and so on. It's called Compliance. I'm going to leave it fuzzy. It's boring.

Anyway, debit/payroll cards are regulated under federal Regulation E, but the thing is, they're not regulated very well right now. Most of them are fee-laden and don't necessarily properly disclose the fees. It's a developing issue in the regulatory world and I anticipate there will be some amendments made to Reg E in the future that will deal with this.

Unfortunately in the regulatory world it's very much a matter of "do bad until someone catches you, they regulate for it, find some new innovative way to do bad."

Here's just a link about Reg E and payroll cards.

posted 3957 days ago