Wow, check out that brand new website. You should all probably also like Should I Watch This on Facebook and continue to advertise my website for free as a fashion statement. Oh wait I'm not supposed to tell you that part.

If you notice I'm going with a very subtle blue-orange color scheme. I like it because the colors are blue and orange. I realize that the logo is very pixelated and that the font is actually super dumb. That's okay, because I can't afford a graphic designer. I am in fact just a man in a chair.

Why yes, the site is in fact terribly constructed and probably hard to navigate. Also check out that sick copyright. Mmmmm. I can now protect my insignificant review of a movie like four people have watched. Go me.


    There’s so many terrible movies to watch, and you can slowly have cinema in general ruined for you just like it has been slowly ruined for me ever since 1999.
What happened in 1999?

posted 4006 days ago