The below letter was written by a 15 year old Sidney Poitier after emigrating to the US. Good thing for cinema, he didn't get a response:

    Dear President Roosevelt,

    My name is Sidney Poitier and I am here in the United States in New York City. I am from the Bahamas. I would like to go back to the Bahamas but I don't have the money. I would like to borrow from you $100. I will send it back to you when I get to the Bahamas. I miss my mother and father and I miss my brothers and sisters and I miss my home in the Caribbean. I cannot seem to get myself organized properly here in America, especially in the cold weather, and I am therefore asking you as an American citizen if you will loan me $100 to get back home. I will send it back to you and I would certainly appreciate it very much.

    Your fellow American,

    Sidney Poitier

posted 4063 days ago