Let's be serious for a minute. Okay, no, go read the post and then come back.

Chocolate Baked and Serves

Here's the thing, and here's why I love AIWeirdness. A whole team at Facebook is trying to teach neural nets how to come up with the recipe of something from the picture of something because in Facebook's world, recipes are this annoying thing that gets in the way of their monetization because they take up data and they take up storage and they take up clock cycles and they need to be able to categorize them quickly so they can figure out how to serve ads on top of them so they can monetize them and fuck you nobody cooks anymore anyway.

But if you actually cook, the ability to phone in some brownies is kind of a base-level requirement. American Chinese food is four sauces, four proteins and four starches mad-libbed into a bunch of different combos. Change the sauces? Now it's American Thai. Change the preparation? Now it's Mongolian grill. But if you actually have something special (like a brownie with a cup of horseradish in it) you are out of the dataset. Your AI breaks. You are now classifying what you want it to be, not what it is.

85% of the stock market doesn't know the cake has horseradish in it.

posted 1764 days ago