Sitting in a hotel room thinking of plasma

Sitting in a hotel room feeling the miasma

Bring on the quarks and the rest of the canyons

Bring on the artificial, the plastic, and companions

Valley of the Dolls and a dash of the living

Walk of the Dead and the streets of giving

Deals with the devil, so far, I'm amused but

Gotta give it to me straight, I won't give you the cut

Sitting in a hotel room thinking of plasma

Sitting in a hotel room feeling the miasma

Bring on the quarks and the rest of the canyons

Bring on the artificial, the plastic, and companions

V v v verve

C c c curve

N n n nerve

S s s swerve

Skrt skrt muthafucka

Word word on the street is that you're breaking up

Ter terms on the street, you ain't good enough

Kavanaugh got you riding, skrtin, off the law

Sitting in a hotel room thinking of plasma

Sitting in a hotel room feeling the miasma

Bring on the quarks and the rest of the canyons

Bring on the artificial, the plastic, and companions

posted 2021 days ago