But one suspect skulking in the shadows arguably deserves more attention than it's getting: the rise of corporate borrowing.

To be fair, John Mauldin, Steve Blumenthal, Charles Gave, David Rosenberg and those weirdos at Skanderbeg have been screaming it to anybody who will listen for about 18 months. But that's not exactly USA Today.

    Gelzinis emphasized that all this is happening amidst a broader turn towards banking deregulation.

Yeah like Trump saying corporate reportage should be cut in half.


As long as the Saudis keep covertly pounding VC into VC firms, which in turn keeps getting pounded into Tech, the boom will continue.

If/when that money dries up, it's all going to collapse.

And don't @ me about tech being one sector of the economy. At this point, its claws are in everything and drives everything.

posted 2072 days ago