Your hear so much about the Republican Party being the party of racial oppression and being unfavorable to blacks. The truth is exactly the opposite. I heard Joy Behar, from The View, state, "Nobody has done more harm to civil rights than the Republican Party". I feel like asking her, " Ok Joy, who issued the first anti-slavery proclamation"? "Who made the civil rights act of 1965 become law?" "Who supported integration of public schools"? Like many, Joy is uninformed, ignorant, and "talking points informed" people, they repeat non-factual, fallacious, and misleading "talking points" propagated by the propaganda machine of anti-Republican factions in our nation. Too bad!!!!

Here is a factual account from a professor at Vanderbilt University.


The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed by a Democratic house, a Democratic Senate and signed by a Democratic president, which caused George Wallace to run as an Independent, which cost the Democrats the South, which made Nixon president.

Historical truths are valuable. Contemporary truths are generally more relevant. The contemporary truth is that the Democrats don't sponsor voter ID laws.

posted 2157 days ago