Because of the Facebook shitshow, I decided to peruse our Terms of Service, which hadn't been updated since 2014.

I made the following change:

Previous language:

    User information will only be shared with third parties in an aggregate form that preserves individual user anonymity. Emails, IP addresses, partial IP addresses, and user-activity will not be shared with third parties.

Updated language:

    We do not share user information with third parties.

We haven't gone the "selling our users" route, and we aren't going to. If there's not a better way, then maybe there shouldn't be a way.


I'm gonna use this admirable and principled post to sprinkle a little salt:

    We haven't gone the "selling our users" route, and we aren't going to. If there's not a better way, then maybe there shouldn't be a way.

We, the users, paid for hosting last year. That rectangle at the upper right got filled. And I know y'all were so busy doing important things that it never got acknowledged, but can we bloody acknowledge it?

This discussion is always about funding and sustainability and we fuckin' met your pledge drive, yo. And we never even got our victory lap.

posted 2218 days ago