I want to say something very plainly and clearly. Vladimir Putin and Elon Musk are exactly 100% right, and Yann LeCun or Oren Etzioni or Peter Voss are 100% wrong, ridiculously so, and foolish for saying such things. They really ought to keep their mouths firmly closed, and do their research in peace and let accomplished futurists do their thing, but they refuse. The fact is that they are almost always wrong, sometimes ridiculously so, but they keep repeating their tired old phrases anyway like gold, even though they are downright silly. Elon Musk is not just a fluke, he is incredibly brilliant from Paypal to Telsa to SpaceX to OpenAI to Boring to Neuralink -- and he understands at a deep level what other people miss every time. I am not a "fanboy", the exact opposite in fact, but I simply realize that he is right on the big things, including the unbelievable danger that the military AI arms race will be the last race of all, before we go back for real into the stone age. I can't stress that enough -- because I believe it as well, and in your gut, I think you do as well.

posted 2434 days ago