
We're witnessing the death of the GOP. How much of the country can they take down with them?

After a successful campaign by Russia to help install this fucknippled prickstick betrothed to a party hellbent on proving that they can set us back into the dark ages, we're seeing legislation that is objectively damaging to the way our government functions. How deep does this rabbit hole go?

redacted ;)


    We're witnessing the death of the GOP. How much of the country can they take down with them?

We should be witnessing the death of the GOP. I don't buy that we are, because Reagan should have been the death of the GOP, and Gingrich should have been the death of the GOP, and Dubya should have been the death of the GOP, and the tea party revolution should have been the death of the GOP, and not only is the GOP not dead it keeps getting worse. The American Taliban isn't going to die until its base does which, granted, they're working on.

posted 2582 days ago