O’Neill represents the best candidate to bring the FDA into the 21st century, into the age of startups, personalized medicine, and the rapid development of new drugs. He understands both the FDA as well as biotech startups. This gives him unique insight into how to reform the FDA, ensuring the FDA can be a partner, rather than a roadblock, for innovation. If the next 25 years can be as revolutionary for medicine as the past 25 years have been for computers, that would be tremendous, and O’Neill is determined to help us get there.


I'm sure that the process could be streamlined in many ways but there are real risks to pushing drugs out before they have been thoroughly vetted.

Thalidomide babies is of course the go to horror story, of course there are others. It doesn't always appear that many of the drugs that make it through the process are always safe, it's a fucked up system and I wouldn't put my hopes on one of Donny's venture capital bros to make it better.

posted 2642 days ago