Hi ThatFanficGuy,

    Today is an historic day with the inauguration of the 45th President of the United States.

    Soon after confirmation the following issues were removed from Whitehouse.gov:

    Health Care

    Civil Rights



    Climate Change

    The Spanish translation and Accessiblity links were removed from the bottom of the page. All of these things may be restored but for now we don't know if, when, or what they will look like.

    I just want to take a moment to remind everyone that we at Imzy are very purposely welcoming and inclusive. We want you to feel comfortable, at home, and, although we usually avoid such loaded terms as 'safe', we want you to feel safe here. This is not a place for hate or intolerance.

    Many people feel and may be endangered by the president's views and plans while others feel emboldened seeing their political views being accepted as mainstream for the first time in decades.

    We choose to stand with those being further marginalized and threatened. We truly believe in the value of diversity and inclusion in our company and our communities, online and in "real life".

    It's important that we stand together and support each other on this day and every day for the next four to eight years (and everyday thereafter).

    Thanks so much for being here with us. We appreciate each and every one of you.



    The Obama White House website — which includes press articles, blog posts, videos, and photos — will be available at ObamaWhiteHouse.gov, a site maintained by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) beginning on January 20, 2017. If you are looking for a post or page on the Obama administration’s WhiteHouse.gov from 2009 through 2017, you can find it by changing the URL to ObamaWhiteHouse.gov. For example, after the transition, this blog post will be available at ObamaWhiteHouse.gov/obama-administration-digital-transition-moving-forward.

Part of the transition to the new President that was planned in advance. I hate the guy, but let's hate him for the shit he does, not the false nonsense.

posted 2650 days ago