One of Trump's advantages is that he seems better than most (or at least more eager) to take credit for things that are at best tangentially related to him. There was big news the other day when it was announced that Ford had canceled production of a new factory in Mexico, and Trump was of course quick to take credit for it. Unfortunately for him, Trump's "policies" (if they can be called such) had nothing to do with it. According to Ford CEO Mark Fields, they simply didn't need a new factory, and would've made the same decision irrespective of Trump. Instead, they're moving the same capacity into an existing Mexico.

But Ford was smart, and announced everything all at once. They likely knew (correctly) that Trump would jump on the "no new factory in Mexico" thing, that'd become the story, and they could keep the rest under the radar. It apparently worked, thanks in part to the Publicist in Chief.


One of the things I love about the automobile industry is that the majority of the companies in it are very transparent about their decision making process. I think a large reason behind that is due to the massive numbers of investors and other companies that rely on them. Ford, Toyota, and GM have all made major announcements recently involving production plans and potential employment numbers. All three of them have stated somewhere in their announcements that Trump and his positions were not a factor in their choices.

posted 2645 days ago