She'll be out in May, supposedly to allow for time to get things organized in terms of her life outside.

I'll be curious to see what Trump does, beyond an impotent tweet or two.

Speaking of Twitter, Wikileaks said on January 12 (so five days ago as of when I'm writing this) that if Manning's sentence was commuted, Assange would allow himself to be extradited to the U.S. Not holding my breath on that one.


Given Wikileaks' involvement in the election, popularity with Trump and his fans, and Trump's already antagonistic relationship with the intelligence community, it wouldn't surprise me at all to hear the US Wikileaks investigation was ending and Sweden lost interest in the rape case.

But it's more likely that Julian, like the rest of us, didn't think there was a snowball's chance of Manning getting any kind of mercy, and so made the offer as a stunt that backfired.

posted 2654 days ago