Over the last three years, Prenda Law and its principals John Steele and Paul Hansmeier have met with ruin at the hands of federal courts across the country. Their scheme — to upload porn, track people downloading it from torrent sites, then engage in fraudulent and extortionate litigation against the downloaders — has been exposed. The story has involved spectacles like lawyers taking the Fifth rather than answer a judge's questions about their lawsuits, devastating sanctions orders quoting Star Trek and referring lawyers for federal criminal investigation, withering fire from federal appellate courts, and generally every bad thing that can happen to a lawyer happening to the bad men behind this case.

AHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHH (gasping for air) AAHHAHAHHAHAAHHAH Burn in hell you bastards.

If you have no idea what I am so happy about, you owe it to yourself as a person on the Internet to read the long drawn out tale of the Prenda Law saga. This story needs to be a movie as it has everything you could ever want. Porn, extortion, shady lawyers, pissed off judges, surprise witnesses that brought a court hearing to a standstill, and now jail time. The story is long and gets into the weeds in places if you don't follow Internet law, but man was this all sorts of messed up.


I've followed for a long time, before Judge Wright's Star Trek decision.

It's early Christmas.

It can be hard to explain to people who haven't followed why a porn copyright saga is so enthralling. The two left standing are such petulant, villainous, lying scum, I'm not for stealing content but I really can't wait to see these guys to get what they have coming.

I hope the feds have this shit sewn up.

posted 2684 days ago