One thing that Zito discovered regarding the Democratic collapse with white working class voters is the level of the destruction. I mean, it’s a total wipeout in the Appalachian areas. Out of 490 counties that dot this region, Clinton only won 21 of them, mostly because these places contained college campuses, which boosted the number of college liberals:

As someone who lives not very far from this area, this is spot on. When you ask people in this area about the national Democrats, whether the reality or not, the feeling is that they simply don't care at all about the issues they face. I had conversations with life-long Republicans who were listening to Sanders' speeches and agreeing with what he said, even if they felt he would not be able to do anything.

Since the DNC is wasting time on the recounts and not waging a war for the Senate Run-off in Louisiana, the next election that matters is in November 2017, two governors, a bunch of mayoral seats and the NJ state legislature.

The DNC has roughly 14 months to get its shit together and then start running for Congress and the state legislatures.


horrifyingly mean things not said

Can we talk for a minute? As a mutherfucking "coastal elite" I'm about DONE being hectored and blamed and pilloried and lambasted and criticized and concern-trolled and otherwise dragged through the mud because of the way OTHER PEOPLE voted. I can't vote in your fucking elections. I can't choose your fucking candidates. I can't buy your fucking coal, I had nothing to do with your fucking plant closures, and you know what? You fuckers bought it, you paid for it, eat a dick.

Tell me why - as an interested liberal, whose family goes back to Bastrop County, TX, who has worked minimum wage jobs, who has done physical labor, who grew up on food stamps, whose ancestral homeland is the property crime capital of the nation, whose childhood was surrounded by indian reservations, why I should give the FIRST FUCK about fucking appalachia.

'cuz you know what? I'm pretty much at a "twist in the fucking wind, you racist, reactionary shitheads. You'll be fucking dead soon."

posted 2699 days ago