Really like this article, she has good reflection and insight on why some women and she understands why Trump got elected in spite of being "Trump".

    Her tone-deaf campaign didn’t even pretend to transcend such class divisions. Once she had secured the nomination, Clinton offered few ideas about how to make ordinary women’s lives better. That’s probably because what helps the average woman most is redistribution, and Clinton’s banker friends wouldn’t have liked that very much. #ImWithHer was a painfully uninspiring campaign slogan, appropriately highlighting that the entire campaign’s message centered on the individual candidate and her gender, rather than on a vision for society, or even women, as a whole. She wrote off huge swaths of the population as “deplorables” and didn’t even bother to campaign in Wisconsin. Among union members, her support was weak compared to other recent Democratic candidates, and, according to most exit polls, significantly lower than Obama’s was in 2008.

Contrast this with the other article:

Hint she doesn't get it.


This sort of article is tiresome - "here's a list of nine reasons why Hillary Clinton lost, but I'm going to focus on my pet peeve and argue by association that the other eight are related."

These articles, and I've read many, all boil down to "Trump voters either don't know or don't care that Clinton's advertised policies would have benefitted them more in the long run because" racism/elitism/political disenfranchisement/chauvinism/the right wing noise machine/fill_in_the_blank________. Trump won for a number of reasons and anyone who points to one thing and says "there's the monster" is lying to you.

posted 2712 days ago