Here's what I know:

In order to have a checking account with no fees, my wife was required to have three checking accounts and two credit cards with three recurring transactions between them all twice a month.

And that they let me withdraw $15k, but they wouldn't give me more than $7k in cashier's checks a day.

And that you're pretty well fucked unless you have "a guy." My wife's banker worked for nine banks in the amount of time we were in Los Angeles, and he would magically wave his hands and the problems would go away.

I never had a guy.


    “Wells Fargo is committed to putting our customers’ interests first 100 percent of the time, and we regret and take responsibility for any instances where customers may have received a product that they did not request,” the bank said in a statement.

I'll just let that go undignified.

I'm reading up on Richard Cordray, head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. In '87, the dude is an undefeated five-time Jeopardy! champion. I don't know as much about the CFPB as I'd like, but it's nice to have a government watchdog to counteract some of the informational asymmetry that's part and parcel of the financial sector.

posted 2779 days ago