I'm creating a new tag: #techski

Technology is everywhere, complex, and most of us do things in a way that we know is inefficient... but it works. For now. And we don't really have the time to figure out the "best" way to do a particular action.

But here we are with a group of supportive and smart people on Hubski! So I figure we can ask each other, and find out how our friends "do" technology. Find new, smarter, answers for things that have frustrated us with our tech.

So. I'll start.

#techski: What's the best way to share photos?

Here's my deal. I'm reading hubski here at work, and wanna take a quick snapshot of the medical boot that is on my foot, to illustrate my post about my foot.

So I pull out my iPhone. Snap a photo.

Great. Now how the hell do I get this into the Hubski post I am writing on my computer?!?

I know there is a smart way to do this. I would do this a lot more if I could do it in, say, 3 steps.

How do YOU share photos, #techski?

(How I did it: Took the photo on iPhone. Tried to upload to imgur. Couldn't upload unless I downloaded the app. Downloaded the app. Posted photo. There's no way to see the shortlink to the photo, so I could type into my hubski post. So I choose "Send via SMS". A-ha! Shortlink is shown in the SMS! So I type shortlink into Hubski. Post. Doesn't work. (broken image icon). So I go back to the imgur app on my phone. Can't get back to the photo again, because it won't let me see it until I create a profile. Type in the username "goobster". It's taken. Try "goobsterski". It's taken, too. Give up. Invent #techski.)


I've been really happy with ipfs.pics as a no-frills host. Their site does exactly one thing well on mobile and desktop - host pictures, and it makes it easy. You click the box on their homepage to select a photo or drag a photo there if that's easier for you. When you do that, it uploads the photo and takes you to it's link.

Plus the underlying technology is incredibly cool, if that impacts your decision on which image host to use at all. I've been fascinated by ipfs ever since I saw someone on here post about it.

The only downside is they seem to be under strain right now. They're still accepting uploads but it takes a couple minutes after you upload them to actually see them.

posted 2806 days ago