

I mean, the Bush Administration flew envoys from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan to Washington in early September 2001 to recognize their achievements in eliminating poppy production. That poppy production skyrocketed as soon as the Taliban were assed out. And yeah - a farmer in Afghanistan can make something like $5 an acre from corn or wheat or $5k an acre from opium.

But the CIA don't need heroin money.

The black budget given the CIA is something like 10 times what they're apportioned by congress. They've got one of the world's largest air forces - I believe they're flying more drones than the Marines have planes. But even when Ollie North was playing games with the Mullahs and cocaine, the war in Afghanistan was ten times as much money and entirely above the board.

The prevalence of heroin in the United States is due to the massive crackdown against meth, just like the prevalence of meth in the United States was due to the massive crackdown against quaaludes. Hells yeah - heroin was harder to get back when the Taliban was beheading farmers. But the Narcos will sell whatever people will buy and market forces are favoring smack right now.

posted 2853 days ago