For others' reference.

I was previously using the alias of Ay-Nawn. Normally in any online community, I tend to do small variations if not completely new usernames as a minor precaution against the casual DOXX'er. In another convenient strain of thought, I never had an attachment of any sort of word, phrase or thing to associate myself with.

In light of a journey into the past this spring where I learned a considerable amount of family history. I felt it was a rather fitting and symbolic way to represent who I am and my roots for the time to come in a community I wish to plant my roots in, grow up and learn with.


I'm sorry to say I don't recognise your old username, so Hello if I've never said it. I would love to hear what you learnt about your family history, it wasn't clear but is your new username related to that?

Usernames and aliases are a funny thing, it's literally the first thing you pick on most websites and communities, and it can completely shape others perceptions of you, but as time goes by its importance becomes less as you put more of yourself (or a character you are playing) out there.

posted 2886 days ago