Best case scenario, Uber increasingly looks like this generation’s a company that will have to ignore everyone and keep raising money to grind it out until the economics suddenly work. That’s not a bad thing to be, but depends on Jeff Bezos like execution to make it out the other side. Uber could do that. It has the cash, the lead, the revenues, the backers, and the Machiavellian do anything attitude to get there. It’s wisely held off going public so none of us know what’s really going on with these economics beyond well choreographed leaks.

    But worst case, it may be this generation’s WebVan.


I'm curious, what's the general figure that Uber is hoping to undershoot--the annual cost of owning, driving, and maintaining a car? The point at which Uber is the cheaper option, for the average person? This is the first I've heard of the concept that Uber wants to replace private ownership of cars.

And isn't that Zipcar?

posted 3001 days ago