Yes, accidents happen. A car can slide on black ice or get hit by a falling tree limb and spin out of control. But the things I see every day—drivers turning into crosswalks full of pedestrians, two or three drivers in a row running a single red light—and the headlines I read every few days about cars “jumping the curb” (which actually means driving onto the sidewalk)—are different. These things are easily preventable. The crashes they cause are not “accidents”; they are the results of negligence and dangerous behavior.


IANAL of course, but this seems like something that should be manslaughter related rather than something for the DMV to muck around in or 'Get tough on drivers' legislation that makes this crime of manslaughter or serious injury through negligence a misdemeanor. And though I see plenty of lobbying to these parties I see no mention of lobbying the person perhaps most able to bring justice - the prosecutor.

And though I guess poor application of these laws applies to cyclists too, I don't see why that is a tag considering the article doesn't directly pertain to them.

posted 3118 days ago