I’m guessing that you’re familiar with common notions that men are spatial and logical thinkers, while females are more verbally proficient. A man being tested for spatial ability might assume that he’s going to have an easier time than a woman of otherwise equal intelligence, his conclusion based not on sexism but on objective science. And statistically speaking, he’s right.

    It is true that men score higher on spatial reasoning tests, though you might have caught on that there’s a little bit more to this picture (why would a female MIT student publicize stereotypes that actively work against her?). If you’re now wondering whether I’m about to throw some kind of feminist rant at you, I'll give you a “well, sort of,” because calling out factual misconception is just as important as promoting feminist ideals here, and because I think those two go hand in hand anyway. I’ll largely put the romance of egalitarianism aside, though, to talk about empiricism.


WOW. That whole "women suck at spacial tasks" has been such an ingrained thing for so long that I learned it as a totally non-controversial "men have larger visual centers, women have larger corpus collosums, we've got the cadaver data to prove it" factoid in Psych 101. This is the first time I've heard about priming.

Makes me wonder whether priming has any effect on color perception. In my brief and cursory Google search, it looks like a whole bunch of "nope, women are just superior" pop-sci crap.

posted 3147 days ago