A lot of my feedback on the previous writing prompts was about the settings, so I'm following that thread. For this prompt, try to build out a location and the way we should feel about that location. There doesn't need to be any action or even any characters for this prompt, but you can have them if you want. Just try to focus on making sure the physical space feels real.

EDIT: We're changing the rules some - if you don't want feedback, clearly state it, otherwise you'll get it. If you've submitted a story, try to give feedback to someone else.


I would open the door from the kitchen and be presented with a case of narrow and shallow stairs that went straight up. The wall on the left was sheetrock, but the wall on the right side of the stairs was older having been a part of the house longer. It was made up of exposed boards and carried electrical wires into the living room behind it. As a child, you're never exposed to the spaces behind the walls, and I felt like an explorer.

Because of the odd way in which the room was added on to the existing house it wasn't air conditioned. This was my favorite thing about the room in the tower. When you stepped in there, and out of the rest of the world, it was supremely quiet. Even the air was quiet. I would step into that room through the floor and then I was alone, and even the dust motes hung motionless out of respect for the still air. My foot would leave the last step and I would breathe in the smell of books, and quilts, and cardboard.

I would walk slowly through the sunbeams of orange and red and my arm would glow as if there were candles under my skin. I would watch the dust slowly meander around me and swirl in the currents and drag reverent at my impacts. When I would open the window to let new air in, I would barely create an opening at first so that I could watch the dust move along with the new imbalance.

When the fire took the house, I thought of that room and how unhappy it must have been at being exposed to the world, and I understood it.

posted 3192 days ago