There are many ways out there now to cut the cord, some legal, some not so much. How do you do it?

I use sickrage and couchpotato to capture my media and stream it from an old macbook with plex to my chromecast.

My previous set up was very similar but instead of plex I used xbmc on a rPi connected directly to the TV.


I haven't had cable for about 4 or 5 years. I never really watched much TV to begin with, even growing up. Commercials piss me off. They're so incredibly fake and I can't remember a time where I watched one and actually wanted to buy the product advertised. I don't understand the dancing and singing for cars or yogurt or deodorant. Who the hell would do that? The "catchy" songs just make me cringe. It's like if grandma wanted to make a commercial but was trying to be "hip" and "with it," except that's just about every commercial.

I don't really find TV to be engaging enough, most of the time. I get bored pretty quickly, so I usually only check out a movie or show when I'm at work. I don't watch sports and just watch Netflix if I need to see something. If it's not on Netflix, I have a galleon out back that I can hop in and sail the seas.

posted 3230 days ago