As high unemployment persists more than four years after the start of the Great Recession — and nearly three years after it was officially declared over — many who have struggled for years without work say they face discrimination.

thenewgreen: Curious, do you think it would be more advantageous to be underemployed at a job that was well beneath your qualifications or unemployed but actively looking for a job that was lateral to what you previously did? It would seem to me that being underemployed would be a hard thing to climb out of. But then being unemployed even for a few months is a very difficult thing to overcome with a potential employer. Kind of a catch 22.

I have friends that have been laid off from sales positions and get a severance. Some of them have been really fortunate and when the severance runs out they start a new job. Others, not so much. The recession may be "over" but it's still very difficult. Even those of us with jobs are performing more functions and have higher expectations than we used to, meaning a more stressful work environment... sometimes with unrealistic expectations.

posted 4412 days ago