In some mysterious way, he outranks you. Not within the company, not in restaurant reservations, not around lawyers. Still: He strokes his short beard; his hands are tanned; he hikes; his socks are embroidered with little ninja.

    “Don’t forget,” he says, “we’ve got to budget for apps.”

    This is real. A Scrum Master in ninja socks has come into your office and said, “We’ve got to budget for apps.” Should it all go pear-shaped, his career will be just fine.

And then it begins:

    Why Are We Here?

    We are here because the editor of this magazine asked me, “Can you tell me what code is...


I can't believe I actually read that whole thing. Definitely going to save this to share with my friends whenever they ask about what coding is. I'm sure they'll love me for linking them what is essentially a short novel. The little tinder-esque "coder" app, the email input with editable HTML, the java crapplet, the cursor trail effect in the javascrpt section, killing the literal bugs, the version control text showing live changes, all kept it really engaging. Really good read, thanks for sharing.

Just a note, getting this: "Congratulations! You read 31299 words in 214 minutes, which is 146 words per minute. That’s insanely slow. How many times have you read it? So thorough! So proud. Or did you just leave the tab open?" ... of course I just left the tab open (and read in short 30 minute bursts).

posted 3239 days ago