You seriously gotta check this out. It's in Norwegian, but I don't think need language to enjoy this and marvel at a culture really getting it right when it comes to sex education.

Episode 8, "Sex and truth" has lots of interesting bits on how to practice french kissing, how to masturbate, and action sex demonstrations with models. In Norway, sex isn't dirty. It's natural, it's fun, and kids should learn to do it right. Norway as you might guess has pretty low rates of teen pregnancies and STDs.

If want to see live naked people talked about naturally and drawn on with markers to explain sex organs and functions, check out the episode about boobs (episode 2, puppene), penises (episode 3, guttetiss), vaginas and girl parts and menstruation (ep 6, jentetiss og mensen) and other things kids should know about bodies and growing up, most with live naked models.

By the way, the warning at the beginning says: "WARNING. Next begins Newton's puberty series. It is normal for some parents to be embarrassed. You have been warned."

posted 3250 days ago