This is nothing new. So many people have lost their job to India or other locations around the world, it's hard to count. The process has many names. Outsourcing. Off-shoring. Follow the Sun. Low Cost Region. Whatever seems to be the least descriptive of what is actually happening: sending jobs out of the United States of America in the name of increased profit margins for the [investors, stock owners, private equity owners, etc].

At the company where I currently work - they started the process a few years ago. At the time, the executive team was very careful not to use the words "Outsource" or "Offshore" so as to not incite panic. Slowly jobs have been trickling over seas. I get it. Americans are expensive. People in India are less so.

So as I sit on the phone today, interviewing my replacement in India… it's surreal. Part of me is sad because change is hard and I thought I had become pretty good at what I do. But the other part of me is thrilled that the company is going to get exactly what they deserve. They will get sub par service from this situation. The communication between, and the management of this remote team on the other side of the world will prove much more costly in terms of time and frustration than I do.

In the mean time I get to move on to another opportunity. This would be a much more difficult experience if I didn't have another job lined up. What a strange morning.

thenewgreen: Steve, I'm glad that you have another opportunity to move on to. I hope that it proves to be more rewarding than what you were doing. Good luck in your new gig!

posted 4417 days ago