From r/futurology.


Continuing the saga.

Sorry if this sounds discriminatory (because it is), but I'm hesitant to trust science coming out of China.

All results of this EM/Cannae drive research done in America are presented in press releases. RED FLAG. That is not how science is usually presented. I want to see empirical test results presented quantitatively in a journal. Shit, just throw something up on, it doesn't have to be Nature magazine or whatever. Until the researchers accomplish that, I'm done (...but secretly I find this incredibly exciting and I will be following updates like a coke addict doing lines).

Flag, that post is easily the best thing I've ever seen on /r/futurology, it's usually speculative garbage. Good find.

Edit: there are some compelling sources listed in a comment of the /r/ futurology thread. This does look promising! Again, I do intend to look through everything in great detail when I have more time, because this will require a lot of thinking.

posted 3271 days ago